We’d like to thank everyone for your continued interest and support these past weeks. All of the calls, texts, and emails have truly warmed our hearts and show Trip how much he is loved. 

We are happy to announce that Trip is no longer in Cincinnati and is now so happy to be back home where he belongs (and, of course, playing Minecraft). He is doing so well for everything he has been through. He’s gained about ten pounds of water weight, which is normal, and he’s having some trouble walking from being in a bed for a month straight – but the little guy is in great spirits; we’re so proud of him!

This week he starts chemo at Charleston’s Women and Children’s Hospital and will receive five treatments and will have another port put in at that time (which is honestly one of the hardest parts, unfortunately). 

Although this week will be a bit rocky, things are going extremely well. When he can, we’ve been playing outside to get some fresh air. We’ll sit around, and he’ll just chat away. He’s become quite the conversationalist!     

Again, thank you all for everything you’ve done for our family through all of this. We will post again soon as developments arise. 

With love and gratitude, 

Trip’s Family

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